MilkShape 3D is a versatile 3D modeler tool. It can save your own models in proprietary format .ms3d, or import/export existing models from a huge list, such as those from Half-Life, Quake 2-3, Unreal, Sims and much more! Really, you will be amazed by that endless format list.
In MilkShape 3D you can draw your own model skeletons, assigning/creating new materials (like textures), and visualize them in four separate view panels, each one with his own display configuration and settings.
Of course, the best way to learn is by opening a sample file and playing around with them (you can notice that on the screenshots ;) ).
At installation time you can choose from standard or a 30-day trial version. I don't know why...the truth is, If you want to use the standard edition (without limitations or nag screens) you have to own a license. You will not to be able to save any model if you choose to install the standard version without registering the software!
Although the program is very simple to use and don't have so many options, the process of 3D animation is quite complicated by itself. You may need some experience in 3D modeling/animation software in order to understand what are you are doing.